
A Dynamic Training Experience for Critical Infrastructures based on Cyber-Ranges

  • Boosts IT Security

  • Fosters a Privacy & Data Protection Culture

  • Raises Awareness of Critical Information Infrastructures

What is a cyber-range?

A cyber range is an advanced training and testing platform designed to replicate real-world IT environments. It provides a controlled and immersive environment where cybersecurity professionals can conduct various exercises, simulations, and drills to enhance their skills and readiness to defend against cyber threats without risking actual production systems.

Critical Infrastructures (CIs) within

Critical Sectors


Considering they develop, control and run vital infrastructure that is extensively utilized to communicate and store vast amounts of sensitive data, telecom companies are a major and popular target for cyber attacks.


Digitalisation creates significant risks as an increased exposure to cyberattacks and cybersecurity incidents potentially jeopardises the security of energy supply and the privacy of consumer data.


Cyber security is an increasingly important topic for the maritime and offshore industries. Shipbuilders, IT vendors and ports have become increasingly vulnerable to cyber threats.


The increasing digitalisation and interconnectedness in Health has left an already targeted sector more exposed to and impacted by cybersecurity attacks.


will deliver a customized federated cybersecurity range platform, that will offer systematic and innovative training programs, targeting Critical Infrastructure organisations to develop a skilled workforce for cyber defence and collaborative response.

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A collaboration of 9 organisations


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